Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If I won a million rand

If I won a million rand I would buy a lot of things:

A lot of cheese
A bunch of sweets
An awesome car
A small bit of something here and there

I would give whatever was left over to charity.

I would eat some of the cheese each day like a savage cheese monster.
I would keep the bunch of sweets for when I need a treat.
I would use the awesomely fast car to get where I need to go.

The cheese would be the best in the world from Italy.
The sweets would be my obvious favourites.
The car would be from the best manufacturing car company in the world.
The small bit of something would be used for joy in life.
The money for charity will go to the charity that needs it.

When I am a millionaire I will rule the land of my house and be brought whatever I want whenever I want.

© copyright Zooty 2010

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