Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I saw a movie lately called Killers, and it was not that bad.

It was about a super spy who is awesome at his job and ends up quitting.
He gets married and three years later he has a price on his head of twenty million.
All his friends are out to get him and the twenty million. He has people at his workplace
after him, from his birthday party, and next door.

His wife receives a huge handgun from him and she keeps it in a small schoolbag.
Can you imagine walking down the street after watching this movie you see someone carrying a small schoolbag and looks at you, and stares. I would turn and run.

Right near the end of the movie it shows his son sleeping in his room and the wife’s parents are there to baby sit because the main characters of the movie (the spy and his wife) are going somewhere and as the husband, spy, leaves his son’s room he turns the laser lights on to keep out anyone who tries to enter.

© copyright Zooty 2010

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